Celebrating blues and twos
/It’s OK. You’re not seeing double. Our team of event professionals lit up the horizon again for the #makeitblue campaign, however, this time we brought a shine to not one, but two venues in the area.
Responding to the positive demand of previous weeks, both Trinity College and the Royal Papworth Hospital were bathed in blue light and projections to show support to all key workers.
Royal Papworth Hospital
The Royal Papworth Hospital is the UK’s leading heart and lung hospital, so it was an honour to thank them by bringing a little light to everyone working tirelessly through the pandemic. A spokesperson for Royal Papworth Hospital said …
“We are hugely grateful to the team for organising this stunning display in recognition of the important work that Royal Papworth Hospital staff and other key workers are doing during the Covid-19 outbreak. It has made this week’s Clap for Carers event very special for all our staff.”
Trinity College Cambridge
Based on the Cambridge Backs, Trinity’s beautiful The Wren Library provided a perfect facade for the project and we jumped at the chance to bring them into the campaign too. Dame Sally Davies, Master of Trinity College Cambridge, commented …
“It’s wonderful to see the Wren Library turning blue in support of NHS staff and essential workers across the UK. I know from my lifetime on the frontline of the NHS and then as Chief Medical Officer how hardworking, dedicated and selfless NHS staff are.
I am proud that Trinity has turned blue and that those still living and providing essential services in College tonight, as every Thursday, have paid tribute to the vital role of key workers in the national effort against COVID-19.”
After three successful weeks of bringing the #makeitblue campaign to Cambridge, an overwhelming response from local venues has meant we've brought in further companies so that we can cover more venues whilst maintaining our strict safety standards.
Joining us, JMPS and Pink Lamp this week are JezO’s and Blueshed, two local event businesses who also found themselves at a loss since the lockdown.
“When our inboxes started to fill up with the positive responses from venues, we knew just who to turn to help us expand. Blueshed and JezO’s are both suppliers we’ve worked with before in bringing our events to life so it was a no-brainer to get them involved. While we don’t want to let anyone down, it’s ultimately important for us that we respect the government guidelines and stick to the social distancing needed. By bringing in a larger team meant we can share the blue love between more venues over the upcoming weeks.” - Justin Crane, Director at The Crane Event
We look forward to illuminating more secret venues over the coming weeks using the same strict precautions - watch this space!